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Private Coaching, Intensives & Workshops are available.

Clarisse’s commitments is to offer a lively, inspiring and motivating atmosphere, allowing her students to explore personal expression. 

For enquiries and bookings get in Contact .

Clarisse is trained in the Limón tradition, Clarisse Roud will give a contemporary technique class based on the key elements of the Humphrey/Limón technique. Students will explore and experience concepts including breath and its influence on movement, the impact of weight on individual body parts, body-part isolations, the dynamism between fall and recovery,and  the natural movement patterns of the body and its relation to gravity. Students are working through the exercises focusing on the feeling and quality of the movement instead of getting bogged down in the steps and exact forms. Clarisse’s commitment is to share a humanistic approach to movement, give a sense of freedom and challenge  to each dancer, whatever their level of expertise, through direct feedback and supportive encouragement. 

She taught as a Guest teacher internationally. She is currently a Visiting Lecturer at Canterbury Christ Church University, Roehampton University and Mountview Drama School for their Degrees in Dance. 


Clarisse's classes are wonderful. It's great for all level and all
background students. I'm sort of new to modern dance and contemporary. She delivers great phrases material to work on technique and
gives students time for more self expression with her combinations.



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